The ankle holster generally isn’t the first option you hear about when you start to learn about concealed carry. Should you consider concealing a firearm around your ankle when there are so many popular waistband options available? The answer is yes! Not only is ankle carry a great option to everyday carry, in certain situations it might be the only solution there is. Ankle carry is not the ideal method for carrying your primary firearm. Designed to carry sub-compact firearms with a draw that is slower than drawing from your waistband, ankle carry is usually employed to carry a backup gun. Law enforcement and law-abiding citizens have been using ankle carry for this purpose for years. If your primary inside-the-waistband firearm becomes compromised or inaccessible, having a backup gun that can be accessed on your ankle may be a lifesaving measure. Does this mean that an ankle holster can never act as your primary concealed carry? For some people ankle carry might simply be the best option available. If a profession requires someone to be sitting for extended periods of time, such as a long haul truck driver or certain desk jobs, drawing from the ankle while seated may be more comfortable and quicker than trying to do so from a belt. Some uniforms like medical scrubs or close-fitting business attire may not have a sturdy waistband or aren’t cut with enough clearance to support a traditional IWB holster. And some trade professions such as plumber or electrician may have their waistbands already occupied with specialized tool belts and equipment. In all of these examples, circumstances make an IWB holster either inconvenient or impossible. And when that happens, ankle carry might be your only recourse. At StealthGearUSA we pride ourselves on approaching every one of our products with a critical and thorough span of development in order to create the best concealed carry solutions in the world. We observed and tested many of the ankle holsters currently on the market . Through this research and over the course of dozens of redesigns, we have crafted our own ankle holster with these key features:
Hundreds of hours of research and development have gone into our Ventcore Ankle Holster and we're finally satisfied with the overall design, ergonomics, comfort, and materials of this new addition to our Ventcore catalog of premium concealed carry holsters. Introducing: the Ventcore Ankle Holster. We hope it enhances how you carry. Our latest world-class holster is here, and it is available now. |

Introducing the Ventcore Ankle Holster
Published by StealthGearUSA on Nov 19th 2021